Tag Archives: birth chart

astrology and birth charts

Self Discovery: How Astrology Can Be Used As A Tool For Self Development and Awareness. Focusing on the sun, rising and moon.

“You can only meet someone as deeply as you have met yourself”

I know astrology isn’t the end all be all and whether you believe in it or not, I think there are still benefits to it.  One being that it can be used as a tool for self reflection and awareness while on your self discovery journey.  My love for astrology goes back to high school. I enjoyed learning about it but I never fully took it serious because I didn’t meet every quality suited for a Pisces. It wasn’t until I did my full birth chart that I recognized why I always felt the way I did. With us being in Pisces season and my birthday next week, I figured I would dive into how I started my self discovery journey.

A Pisces Sun, Virgo Ascendant and Capricorn moon, it was immediately evident why I didn’t fully connect. I wasn’t looking at the full picture! Yes my sign sun is important, but its only a piece of the puzzle. At my best, my highest self these are the characteristics I may possess and flourish in. But my Capricorn moon will keep me grounded, motivated and determined and my Virgo rising gives me a laid back, reserved, sharp nature. Something like a quiet storm, the underestimated.

The sun sign describes the center of your personality, your motivations, drive and who your learning to become. My sun is in Pisces (19 Feb- 20 March), known as the dreamer who prefers to go with the flow of life.  A mutable water sign represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions and the last and final sign of the zodiac.  It is represented by both Jupiter and Neptune.  Some say we embody traits from all previous signs and that gifts us with innate knowledge but can tends to make us difficult to understand. On the flip side, Pisces empathy, understanding and awareness of others gives us the ability to sense where people are coming from so we can relate to anyone.  One fish has the desire to connect with the human experience and the other fish likes to transcend into the spiritual world, swimming in opposite directions which signifies the internal back and forth struggle.  For this reason, we get the name of the dreamer and the escapist, often daydreaming into our own reality.  The best analogy of Pisces I’ve heard is that Pisces energy is like a hurricane.  Its two fish constantly chasing itself, so absorbed into its own thing that nothing else matters.  Pisces tend to do a lot of internal work and is constantly thinking, moving or creating.  If the Pisces energy can calm itself long enough where someone is able to enter the hurricane during still waters, they can find themselves peacefully there and they will function perfectly in the eye of the storm.  But if someone tries to enter while the waters are rough and we are active in that whirlwind energy, there is great potential for others to be hurt.  We are the epitome of turning pain into power.

The ascendant sign or rising as its sometimes called represents how you present yourself and respond to the world as well as the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful. My ascendant sign is in Virgo, which represents a strong analytical and organized approach to the world.  There is a need to be useful and productive and a tendency to be self critical, worry and over analyze things.  One of the biggest personality traits is a perfectionist who values organization and order. This can make me meticulous about everything. As a sapiosexual, I am mentally driven and attach more importance on a strong mental connection and good communication. As a lifelong student and teacher, I am very observant and always learning new things, analyzing the world around me and how it all connects. It feeds my curiosity of the complexities we call life.

The moon sign represents your instinctive and emotional nature and to some is the most important sign.  My moon is in Capricorn, which describe my energies as responsible, analytical and calculated. Calm and slow to express anger, I am cool, calm and collected. There is usually caution when developing closeness in personal relationships, which I don’t take lightly. I tend to analyze people before getting close to them when I am unsure of their intentions.  A traditionalist at heart and somewhat reserved, success and achievements are important to me.  I have the tendency to have high expectations for myself and others, specifically when it comes personal development, integrity and authenticity with the commitment to follow through to the end.  I am self sufficient and contained and not afraid to put in hard work to reach my goals.

All of this information was correct for me as far as my personality goes, it provided confirmation on many things and the negatives that resonated exposed areas of concern that needs work.  This reflective analysis of self requires honesty and accountability of my weaknesses and not just accept them as is because “I’m a Pisces and that’s just how I am” when this is the wrong attitude to have.  I used this information as a tool for recognizing the flaws or subconscious behavior withing myself and questioned what can I do to change it.

If one of your weaknesses is being hard on yourself or forgiveness like me for example, try to be more self aware. Start paying more attention to your thoughts and when you catch yourself being critical, stop and change the behavior to a more forgiving tone. Doing it enough sets the routine to healthier habits.  This part here is crucial because knowing your imperfections mean nothing if you don’t work on them.  We are always a work in progress and every bit of information to help you transcend into a better person is a win.

This is only the tip of the ice berg as far as the birth chart goes. There are so many other signs, factors and placements so there will definitely be more to come on this tool for self discovery. Stay tuned, like and subscribe if my post resonates with you. Here is a link to do your own birth chart!


How has astrology made a difference in your life? Let me know below!